OIAS Calendar of Events
2024-2025 Programs
Loutit District Library
407 Columbus Avenue
Grand Haven, MI
6:00-6:30 PM Social
6:30-8:00 PM Program
January 21 Program is cancelled due to inclement weather
Recordings of OIAS programs can be found on the OIAS YouTube channel at this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/
Please subscribe to the OIAS YouTube channel if you have not already done so. Also, please visit and like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/oias.org. We’ll also post birding information and information about OIAS and upcoming OIAS events there.
Muskegon County Nature Club and the Owashtanong Islands Audubon Society (Grand Haven's chapter) have combined their resources for programs. Programs for both societies will be presented at Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave. in Grand Haven. MCNC will schedule field trips for both societies and OIAS members are encouraged to attend! See the schedule on the Field Trip page here.
Click here for a program brochure and membership application for this season.
September 17:
Beauty & Biology of the Muskegon River
- Kevin Feenstra, Guide, Author, Photographer
The program will include images from 12
months on a river system. These images will include birds, mammals,
aquatic insects, fish, and scenery. The photography is from the
mainstream of the Muskegon River, as well as some of the creeks and connecting swamps.
Kevin Feenstra is a fly-fishing guide, author, and photographer who
spends much of his life on the Muskegon River system. Through 25 years
on the river, he continues to learn about our waterways. His photography
focuses on the life above and below the surface of this majestic river.
October 15:
There and Back Again: Avian Navigation and Migration
- Michael Lombardo, President - OIAS, Professor emeritus - GVSU
Many species of birds in the temperate zone are long-distance travelers that make twice yearly journeys between their breeding and wintering grounds. This program will review the costs and benefits to birds of migration, some of spectacular journeys made by some birds, and the various ways that birds find their way during migration including following other birds, using land features and coastlines as guides, using the position of the sun if they travel by day or the stars if they travel at night, the geomagnetic field of the earth, odors, and inherited navigation.
Michael P. Lombardo is a Professor Emeritus of Biology at Grand Valley State University. He earned his B.S. in Zoology at The Ohio State University, an M.S. in Zoology and a Ph.D. in Ecology at Rutgers University and was a Junior Fellow in the Michigan Society of Fellows at the University of Michigan. During his 30-year career at GVSU he taught classes in Evolution, General Biology, Human Evolution, Human Sexuality, Ornithology, Vertebrate Natural History, and Wildlife Management. He is Fellow of the American Ornithological Society. Among his over 60 publications in peer-reviewed science journals are papers on various aspects of the biology of Tree Swallows, Eastern and Mountain Bluebirds, European Starlings, and House Sparrows.
November 19: The Birds of Paradise of New Guinea
- Doug Klein, President - Barry County Bird Club
The Birds of Paradise of New Guinea. Doug became enamored of the many Birds of Paradise from reading about them and
watching videos of them in their jungle
haunts on the island of New Guinea. Tonight he will introduce these beautiful birds and the scientists who have studied them to us through professionally-made several videos.
Doug Klein has been birding since he was 17 years old. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and was a mechanical engineer during his working life, but has since retired. He leads the Barry County Bird Club and lives in Hastings, Michigan.
January 21:
Program Cancelled due to weather Rescheduled to April
Natural Features of Ottawa County
- Bill Martinus, Botanist
In his program, Bill will discuss the following:
1) What a Natural Features Inventory is, and the process & methods.
2) Which Natural Features occur in OCParks: Flora and fauna; Special Concern, Threatened & Endangered species; Habitats, unique features, etc.
3) Data, interpretation, and practical uses of NFI information to OCParks, the community, and science.
William Martinus and his wife Shirley have lived in Western Ottawa County for over 50 years, wandering through natural areas recording plants and birds, especially Ottawa County’s Parks. After teaching thirty years, his focus narrowed to conducting inventories of what specifically occurs within Ottawa Parks' 7400 acres in fifty+ properties. His official inventories over 20 years include those completed in Upper Macatawa, Stearns Creek, North Ottawa Dunes, Ottawa Sands, Rosy Mound, Port Sheldon Natural Area, Hiawatha Forest, Crockery Creek, Eastmanville Bayou, Grand Ravines, and Grose Parks.
In the process, he has documented with specimens to the University of Michigan Herbarium, over 450 plant species new to Ottawa County and nearly 30 entirely new to the State of Michigan, as well as a native slug species new to the state!
March 18:
Storm Chasing and Birding Adventures
- Isaac Polanski, Birding Enthusiast and Storm Chaser
April 15
Neotropical Migrants: Birding in the Americas
- Nahuel Medina, Ottawa County Parks Naturalist
The Americas are renowned for their abundant and
breathtaking biodiversity, and I have been fortunate to visit several
countries in the Western Hemisphere, including Costa Rica, Mexico, and
Argentina. Originally from Miami, Florida, I had Central and South
America just a hop and skip away, which gave me plenty of opportunities
to explore the region's natural beauty. Even though I now reside in
Michigan, this move has only fueled my ambitions to visit more countries
in the tropics.
In this presentation, I will share my experiences with Neotropical
migrants during their stopover in Miami, as well as insights into the
lives of local birds that thrive in tropical regions. I invite you to
join me as I discuss my travels, birdwatching, and wildlife photography
throughout the Americas.
May 20:
Annual Business Meeting, Resource Swap and Election of Officers
Bring bird guides, bird resources, and puzzles to swap at the May meeting. There is no limit to how many can be taken but members must take any unclaimed goods home.
Bring up to 10 images on a thumb drive to show at the meeting.
Board of Directors election for new terms.The candidates for positions on the Board are: Lonny Garris, Carl Manning,
and Karl Sineath. We will also accept nominations from the floor.
Bring a dessert to pass.